The Stonegate Serpents Swim Team is a member of the Montgomery County Swim League. The league currently consists of 91 teams in 15 divisions ("A" through "O") with six teams in each division (except Division O which has seven teams). Division assignments are based upon the previous season's swimmer times.
The Stonegate Serpents competed in Division A in 2023. Swimmers showed up and swam hard! I BELIEVE! We are once again in Division A for 2024, and our coaches anticipate another FUN season as we square off against the fastest pools in the county.
The mission of the Stonegate Serpents Swim Team is to encourage formal but friendly team competition through the Montgomery County Swim League during the summer. We seek to create a fair and wholesome environment in order to develop swimming skills, encourage sportsmanship and teamwork, and foster an appreciation of the relationship between effort and success.
Learning and Levels
Team swimmers age 9 - 18
Swimmers will have a strong freestyle stroke and will practice, perfect and compete using the official freestyle, back, breast and butterfly strokes.
Team swimmers age 8 and under
8 and Unders on the regular team must be able to swim half a length of the pool using a freestyle-like motion.
Pre-team swimmers must be able to float face down in the water for at least 5 seconds on command and should be generally comfortable in the water.
Children unable to float face down in the water for at least 5 seconds on command convey a need for swimming lessons to develop a general comfort level in the water
2024 Stonegate Serpents Handbook
The team handbook contains all the information swimmers and families need to know about policies, procedures and the fun elements of Serpent life, too. All Serpents and Serpent parents should read this cover to cover.